Before I begin. I am now using a 'link shortening' service. Rather than the original web address of an article, that can often be extremely long, I am now using a much shorter one that initally goes to another web site and then automatically links to the correct page. Just makes life easier in creating these posts.
Down to business. I have been looking out for interesting articles about Mick Jagger's sixtieth. I think this is the best one, thanks to the Canada's Toronto Star. It contains a lot of interesting observations about the need to rethink attitudes to aging and its implications on lifestyles.
One I comment I particularly liked. "The new old age is a hell of a lot healthier" (Dr Robert Butler, Mount Sinai School of Medicine). Does that mean we can declare 60 the new 40? "In the broadest sense, yes."
This idea of age shifting has some fascinating effects on market segmentation.