Saturday, August 09, 2003

The Myth of Generation N

This article ‘hits the nail on the head’ about the myth that if you are less than 20 you are naturally a techo wizard and if you are 50+ then you are doing well to know a notebook from a notepad and you think a PDA is a rather nasty medical condition.

It makes some interesting observations why younger people are more adept at using PCs and the Internet ‘real difference between teenagers and their elders is teens’ willingness to experiment with computers, combined with their acceptance of the seemingly arbitrary conventions that are endemic to contemporary computer interfaces. In other words, teens aren’t worried about breaking their computers, and they’re not wise enough or experienced enough to get angry at and reject poorly written programs’

Us markeers make a fatal assumption to believe the whole world conforms to the stereotypes of techo-aware young and tech-averse old. Really worth reading this article.

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