Thursday, September 18, 2003

A good injection of reality

The PRIME Initiative promotes and helps the 50+ to become self employed, when they have little hope of being employed by companies.

Julia Evans, the person who runs the initiative in Wales, was recently interviewed and the article made salutary reading.

In Wales, 44% of the age group between 50 and the state pensionable age are unemployed. Fewer than 10% of these will get a job if they are looking to become employees.

She said that the concept of the wealthy baby boomer ‘is not the reality in UK and certainly not in Wales, where the majority of retired people have little money - and it's no joke finding oneself, at the age of 50, with a small occupational pension and having to stretch that until they can claim the state pension’.

These statistics are a harsh reminder that the 50+ market is a complex and many faceted thing and not to fall into the same ‘stereotype trap’ as marketers who ignore the whole sector. It looks like this organisation is doing a really worthwhile job.

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