Monday, February 09, 2004

The 50+ to save another radio station?

Since I have been writing this blog I have read a continual stream of stories telling how the 50+ have become a vital audience for many radio stations. Today's the story came from Australia.

Bob Miller (considered as something of a marketing industry maverick) was a former advertising man and the marketing boss at Toyota Australia. He is now taking over running a Sydney radio station (2UE) to try and halt the revenues and ratings slide.

This section of the story caught my eye “..Miller is a staunch advocate of the spending power of baby boomers, closely aligned with 2UE's strongest audience in the 55-plus segment. ‘It's one of the reasons I took the gig,’ he said. ‘This is my market. I understand these guys. We're the big spenders. The next 10 years - 15 if you're a pessimist - will be the golden age of spending by this generation. They're very big numbers.’..”

Maybe we marketers should spend a bit more time analysing why the 50+ are so important to the radio market.

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