Thursday, June 23, 2005

Retire? I'm not dead yet. Who made 60 the magical number?

"Retire? I'm not dead yet. Who made 60 the magical number?
I want to stay in the game for as long as I can. Maybe I'll start a company. . . . If I stayed home all day, my wife would probably divorce me."

This is not a quote from a midlife men's group. It is the bold come-on in a magazine advertisement for the investment firm Morgan Stanley as reported in the Washington Post.

It looks as if the financial industry is getting the message. The new reality of aging is not just about adding years to the end of life, it's about adding healthy years of vitality and productivity before the end. Its marketing strategy focuses on the potential in retirement. An advertising supplement to the New York Times magazine last month -- "The Power Years: A User's Guide to the Rest of Your Life" -- emphasized the pursuit of dreams and new careers: "Take some time to remember the hopes you felt before you were busy being responsible for everyone else," read the script.

So the Finance and parts of the Cosmetics industry seem to be getting the hang of this 50 Plus thing. Unfortunately there is still a long way to go before the rest of the business world catches up. Dick Stroud

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