Thursday, January 18, 2007

Stannah hits the TV with new campaign

It is not that often that the leader article in Marketing magazine is dedicated to a new advertising campaign – even more exceptional is when the campaign is about stairlifts.

Stannah is in the enviable position of being integrally associated with stairlifts. I have no idea what their market share is but it is big. If somebody needs (note I did not use the word ‘wants’) a stairlift then I cannot imagine that Stannah doesn’t receive a call asking for a brochure.

Unfortunately, Stannah has taken become the archetypical “old people’s" brand and receives all the sniggers and jokes that accompany such products. I am sure there is some deep psychological reason why this happens, but I will leave my armchair psychologist act until another day.

The point of this rambling post is that Stannah is spending a bag full of money, has used a top London agency and launched a new advertising campaign. What follows is one of the new ads. You can look at two to other examples Ad 1 Ad 2.

You can compare these ads with an earlier campaign (see the second video). What do you think? I give you my views a bit later. Dick Stroud

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