Friday, April 13, 2007

Freetirement nation is the envy of Generation X

This blog posting covers three subjects linked together by the word ‘unprofessional’.

Friends Provident (UK Financial Services Company) recently published some PR-research containing the two mandatory bits of content:

1. Headline grabbing statements (i.e. “the baby boomer generation have achieved a form of perfect work/life balance that Generation X strive for but may never afford”).

2. Silly name (“The Freetirement Generation”)

The report’s press release doesn’t contain (as far as I know) any inaccuracies, it is what it doesn’t contain that matters. No mention of the significant (maybe the majority) of the age group who are not so financially fortunate. No mention that very soon the over-60s will be the largest group of people seeking advice about debt problems. This is an unprofessional selective garnering of the facts for a few cheap headlines.

The second unprofessional factor concerns not answering e-mails. I approached Friends Provident on two occasions to send me a copy of the report. I am still waiting to receive it. Not good.

The third unprofessional action concerns the web site that Friends Provident has created for the Freetirement Generation. Words fail me – they even included a photo of a guy with a surf board! Why oh why do people think that ageing results in a passion for aquatic activities!

Not a good start to Friend Provident’s 50-plus marketing efforts. Dick Stroud

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