Thursday, May 31, 2007

Only 12 Booms – bet I can do better than that

My admiration for continues. Its most recent announcement is a ‘BooM’ feature that enables users of the site to vote/recommend content.
BooM is no more than a simple voting feature but not when it is on the eons web site. In the hands of the web site’s copy writer it becomes.
What's that... there's gold on Eons? You know it...embedded in all the conversations on Eons--there are many!--there are gleaming nuggets of knowledge, beauty, compassion and humor. Before BOOM it!, they've often been hard to find. Now you have the tool to discover those treasures and let them shine. That's what's bubbling up on the Homepage! And you're revealing them. Here's how....
I just love it. Not the feature or the language but the guts to break out of the morbidity and manufactured ‘fun’ that are associated with most Boomer/50-plus social networking sites. Keep it up. Dick Stroud

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