Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Unilever shows retailers how to follow the money

Unilever U.S has issued a press release about proprietary study: Boomer Shoppers Today and Tomorrow: Following the Money.

The report is claimed to show how Boomer’s, who have an income of about $2 trillion a year, shop today and what type of shopping experiences they are likely to seek ten years from now.

Here are some of the factlets from the press release:
Baby Boomers take 58 percent of all cpg shopping trips and spend 60 percent of all CPG shopping dollars in the U.S.

There are four distinct Boomer shopping groups who have six different sets of shopping desires

The six unique shopping scenarios include. These include things like: “Good To Go - Convenience and simplicity coupled with quality drive this scenario. Boomers in this scenario are looking for quick in and out service with fresh quality offerings for short term use”.
It looks to me that the most important thing about this report is the publisher. All 50-plus marketers know the importance of the older consumer, but when you get statements like: “There is no question that Baby Boomers are redefining the meaning of getting older,” from the President of Unilever US, it adds authority to the message. Dick Stroud

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