Sunday, May 27, 2007

Why 45?

The UK’s Office of Communications (OFCOM) has a reputation as a great (as in prolific) producer of reports. This week another bit of research hit the streets. This time about the UK’s Communications Market at a Regions level.

Anything you want to know about regional distribution of radio, TV, Internet and mobile usage you will find it on the OFCOM web site.

The diagram is taken from the section about the telecoms market.

What a staggering waste of money and time. Why in the name of ***** do they produce this idiotic age analysis (under and over 45 years old). What is it supposed to tell us? Why 45?

Somebody in OFCOM has decided that the best proof that their vast sum of state funding that the organisation consumes, is serving the national good, is to produce lots of reports. Sadly, they are probably right. Dick Stroud

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