Give a marketer the choice between becoming a brand manager for some techno wizzy zillion pixel ultra wireless thingy or a care service for infirmed oldies and I think I know what they are likely to choose. But, that would be the wrong decision.
The provision of the multiple formats of care, is, and will become even more, a mega, multinational business.
You are going to see a lot more of these types of announcements as companies try and claim the language and standards of the care.
A new Web site has been launched to assist care home professionals – notice this is the workers not the recipients.Launched by Help the Aged, but funded by BUPA (one of the UK’s large providers of care and medical insurance) the site, enables care home professionals – from assistants to inspectors – to share best practice on key topics such as creating a sense of community within care homes and staff training. In addition care homes will be profiled.
This is a smart move by BUPA, linking up with Age Concern (the UK’s leading charity for old people). Watch this space. Dick Stroud
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