Sunday, December 23, 2007

New AARP International Web site

AARP is to be congratulated for creating such a useable new international Web site.

The site can be personalised, so that the data that is displayed is relevant to your interests, which drives customised newsletters. There is an online folder for saving reports.
I think the most useful feature is the ability to compare country data in the same way as you would when buying a new PC online. Want to know how the life expectancy in Australia compares with that in Italy, Japan and South Africa. Easy-peasy. It even provides the ability to export the data to Excel. This shows the shocking fact that a women in South Africa can expect half the life expectancy of one born in Japan.
Somebody in AARP sat down and asked the question: “What do people want to do with the information on our Web site”. The result is excellent. Dick Stroud

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