Saturday, October 25, 2008

New retail concept - the Brain Store

As the name suggests, the Brain Store is a retail outlet for products that stimulate and strengthen the brain. The press release says.
Our message to you is “outsmart your age” and our mission is to help you succeed, and have some fun while you’re at it.
I really like the company’s web site that contains photos of the business founders, who look anything but the forgetful types.

It could be an interesting concept to franchise.

A couple of the thoughts that went through my head whilst looking at the site (well the two I can remember) :

1. I wonder how much of the business will come via the site rather than through the door.

2. I wonder what the age profile of the customers will be? My guess is younger than older.

I wish them well. It will be fascinating to hear how it does. Dick Stroud

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