The Age OK accreditation mark is awarded to products and services that an expert panel judge to be sufficiently 'age-friendly'. In order to win the accreditation the product goes through a rigorous selection process to ensure that it has been designed inclusively, factoring in the needs that might pertain to an older person.
The organisation behind the Age OK venture is the merged Help the Aged and Age Concern.
Today I attended the launch of the scheme. What a professional event.
Terrific location (The Design Museum) - good speakers (Joan Bakewell, Martin Bell, ex MP and journalist and Tom Wright, CEO of the merged charity).
The first prize winner was a high profile organisation - BSkyB for their accessible remote control.
The sun shone, the event had pace and direction. All in all an excellent launch. The Engage Business Network, the part of the charity responsible for the venture, should be well satisfied.
Let’s hope other companies appreciate the commercial logic that persuaded BSkyB to design and seek approval of its device. Dick Stroud
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