Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thanks to guys at the Marketing Society for a great review of our book

The Marketing Society is the UK's premier organisation that represents senior marketers.

So when it reviews our recent book - Marketing to the Ageing Consumer - we are anxious to know what it thinks.

Here is the final couple of sentences:

Age-friendly strategies often involve culture change and require backing across the board. Very often, no significant costs are involved, yet the future benefits may be immense. These principles extend to the need for employers and government departments to become more ‘age-friendly’.

The book is written in simple language, with an impressive selection of statistics, fully referenced, and each chapter concludes with a summary section of its main arguments. Everyone in business, not merely marketers, would benefit from its wisdom.

You can read the full review here. Some reviews matter more than others and some are of no interest - this one is important - thanks. Dick Stroud

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