Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Without action we are in for a lot of problems - so says the International Longevity Centre

You can now read the main conclusions and analysis from the Future of Ageing conference that was conducted in November 2015 by the International Longevity Centre

I quote the 'without action' (WA) warnings

WA... to better support more disadvantaged social groups and communities, the gap in life expectancy between the wealthy and the poor will continue to increase.

WA... to address the current funding and workforce shortages in health and social care, the future needs of our ageing population are unlikely to be met.

WA.... to better highlight how long people are likely to live, and the measures that they need to take to ensure financial security later in old age, even wealthier older adults may experience financial difficulties in later life.

WA.... to encourage and facilitate longer working lives we will see a future drop in the UK’s employment rate and reductions in overall productivity.

WA.... to build more houses, and houses which are adapted to the needs of older people, the housing shortage will continue.

To be honest, I could add a few WAs of my own but I think this list is long enough.

The dreadful thing is that the one thing that governments are not very good at doing is taking actions - more accurately, not the right ones.

I will be returning to some of the other findings in the ILC report. Dick Stroud

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