If there was ever a way of making a benefit out or a problem this proposal by the UK Government is it! As the impact of the aging population filters into policy making we are likely to see many more of these 'freedoms' being offered. As we all know the funding of pensions and the chaning demographics do not add up. Work longer seems to be the UK's answer to the problem.
People could work up until 70 under the proposals Government proposals that could see millions of people working until they are 70 have been unveiled. The plans for tackling age discrimination, which stem from a European Union directive, will mark the biggest change in employment law for a generation.
Employers are set to be banned from enforcing a retirement age below 70. The new proposals are also designed to outlaw ageist advertising and workplace practices.
Under the new rules employers would not be allowed to stipulate the required ages for a job or to tell older employees they did not qualify for training schemes.
The legislation could see many more people working on into their sixties.
Currently employers can set compulsory retirement ages for staff.
But under the new plans that would not be allowed and they would have to allow people to work until they were 70.
The government believes that unfair age discrimination costs the economy billions of pounds - as much as £16bn a year - and stops people realising their true potential. BBC Report 2 July 2003