Tuesday, October 21, 2003

More thoughts about the marketing impact of singles

At the same time as reading the AARP report about ‘Lifestyles, Dating and Romance’ I was talking with a friend about her hotel’s new web site and her plans for online promotions. I realised that I was still thinking in terms of customers being ’traditional couples'. Clearly this is nonsense when you look at the demographic data.

There are 97 million Americans who are 45+ and almost 40% —36 million people —are single (U.S. Census Bureau).

In the UK the number of divorced people is 26% and rising fast.

I then started to think about my friends and realised how many of them are in the category of the AARP research. The marketing implications of this change in behaviour are on par with the consequences of the aging population. I guess the two factors are interlinked.

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