Thursday, June 09, 2005

Is this a ghost I see before me?

Back in May 2004 I posted to this blog about a new web site called funkyfogey that was aimed at older people. The site used a very different interface that I thought was a tad patronising. After a couple of mentions in the marketing press nothing more was heard of the company.

Much to my amazement I received an e-mail this morning that read:

"Dear Mr. stroud

Welcome to the Funkyfogey Competitions Newsletter which is exclusive to members only, we hope you will find it interesting.

There are lots of quizzes and competitions to enter with some great prizes. Also, we'd love to hear what you think about the Funkyfogey website, so there's a short questionnaire you can complete - see below - reply before the 31st August and you could WIN £100 worth of vouchers. Etc etc etc ". I looks like it has taken them over a year to generate their first e-newsletter.

Not much has changed with the site but at least they have dropped the requirement to register before gaining access. The site is worth a look, just to see the strange interface. Dick Stroud

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