Thursday, June 09, 2005

Taking generational stereotyping to an art form

Today is Generation X's 40th birthday. Here are a few quotes from an article that contrasts the differences between Xers and their parents' generation.

"We (baby boomer parents) gave them everything, but what they needed was nurturing.”

"We're the ones who wanted to get the MBA and the BMW. We worked ourselves to death, and family came second.".

“Their parents (boomers) were distracted with work, divorce or both, and they had the most permissive parenting habits of any generation before them.”

What a load of unsubstantiated, stereotypical drivel.

When writers say ‘We’ and then go on to associate their comments with 10s millions of people what they are really saying is “people like ‘me’ and people ‘I’ know”.

It is dangerous and egotistical to generalise from a sample of one - and provides platitudinous statements that are of no value to serious marketers. Dick Stroud

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