Friday, July 29, 2005

The 50 plus workforce

The mirror image to 50 plus marketing is 50 plus human relations. The effects of the aging population on the workplace are just as, if not more, dramatic than to the marketplace.

This paper from IBM is a good overview of the issues.

A recent EU study showed that while approximately 33% of all retired individuals between the ages of 55–64 indicated they left their last jobs or business as part of normal retirement, almost 20% (three million people per year) cited early retirement as the main reason.

From a short-term perspective, both employers and employees appeared to have benefited from this arrangement, as retiring employees received benefits while employers avoided the expensive costs of involuntary layoffs and were able to replace retiring employees with lower-cost workers. However, in the long run, early retirements can be damaging as individuals with significant experience and capability are encouraged to leave the workforce, often without any thought as to how their knowledge can be preserved. If you think marketers have short term objectives meet people working in human resources!

The chart is fascinating (you will need to view it in a browser to see the detail). Look at the differences between Sweden and Belgium. Somehow Sweden keeps 45% of it older workforce employed for 4-5 more years. The impact that has on pension economics is amazing. Perhaps it is to do with the cold weather and long nights? Dick Stroud

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