Friday, July 01, 2005

Is motivational psychology enhancing traditional planning methods?

Well according to an outfit called Vizeum it seems to be the way of the future.

If you are a patient sort of person who likes a challenge then you can find out some more about the concept by attempting to crack the code of the Vizeum Web site which is a triumph of imagery over functionality.

In last week’s Marketing magazine there was an article about the concept of 'Connections planning' which is all about reaching consumers at a time when they are most receptive to a particular message and shows how media planning is moving away from simple demographic targeting. It was the last statement that caught my eye -how refreshing and sensible.

Then I read that “Heinz no longer uses demographic measurement at all”. Good for Heinz.

As can be seen from the diagrams it is all about mapping how brand are perceived in eight core human motivations: enjoyment, recognition, conviviality, power, belonging, vitality, security and control. The example is for the drinks industry. I have no idea if this a good way of doing things but it a great deal better than using simple demographics. Dick Stroud

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