Sunday, September 25, 2005

Katrina, Rita and Generational Marketing

I have always had problems with the concept of generational marketing. Undoubtedly, when you are born has some affect on your resulting attitudes and behaviour. But how does this factor stack-up against the plethora of other things like gender, race, health, wealth, geography, parents….. and luck?

If the concept that the 1960’s heady days of sex, drugs and rock and roll helps determine our current choice of aftershave then it should be a piece of cake to forecast how today’s social climate and events will influence the 50 year-old in 2040.

Well a group of “generational scholars” have had a go at doing just that.

Here are a few quotes:

When things happen during your formative years, it develops generational characteristics that stay with you throughout a lifetime.

Katrina, will give mothers and fathers another reason to shield their children -- from natural disaster plus those that are man made (9/11).

There is a cyclical pattern to generational traits. The generation that dies out is typically replaced with a like-minded group. So the future generation would be akin to the “Silent Generation”, now 63 to 80.

Gen X has attempted to correct their parents' mistakes. They're hands-on. Katrina's destruction will reinforce and perhaps intensify that tendency.

Katrina will instil the value of adaptability as families have left their homes and relocated all over the country. The kids being born now are going to be used to more flexibility in terms of time and place.

So there you have it. I am tempted to say “what a pile of armchair psycho babble”. Hey why be tempted – just say it. Dick Stroud

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