Monday, January 22, 2007

Who knows - who cares

People aged 16 to 24 are the most likely to participate and fastest to respond to mobile phone surveys. The study (by Lightspeed Research) found that 39% of 16 to 24 year olds responded to their survey, compared with just 17% of over 55s.

Older respondents had higher incompletion rates for mobile surveys, with 47% failing to answer all questions, compared with just 14% for under 25s.

Here are some explanations for these results:

Younger people have less to do and are happy to while away some time answering a survey

The subject of a mobile survey is more appropriate to younger people (almost certainly so) and hence attracted a higher response rate

Younger people have a higher threshold to boring, inane and pointless survey questions

Since their parents are picking up the tab for their mobile phones, younger people are not so conscious of the costs involved in completing a mobile survey.

Who knows what the right answer is? Who cares? Dick Stroud

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