Thursday, April 26, 2007

The latest eons newsletter - see above post

Eons Insider
Summer's coming!

50 plus everything

It's time to take advantage of all that fresh air -- go walking, hiking, swimming, fishing, boating, tennis, golf, you name it! And if you have an upcoming high school reunion, you certainly want to look and feel your best.

Start burning calories now! Visit the complete Eons Fitness resource.

Start off with our new Fitness Quiz. Answering the questions will give you new ideas to get your body moving. Your responses will also help redefine fitness for people 50+.

Check out the fitness tips from our own members:

Fitness Over 50
Weight loss and nutrition
Find bicycle buddies

Among our articles, you'll find:

It's never too late to get in shape
Five reasons to get more exercise
Ways to overcome obstacles to getting fit
A recipe for body conditioning
Working out at home
Using Pilates to strengthen your core

Don't forget to exercise your brain! Play Brain Builders now:

Daily Jigsaw
Jack Kerouac trivia
U.S. Capitals trivia
Sudoku Classic

EonsTM, the 50-plus media company for loving life on the flipside of 50, is your place to tackle your adventures and dreams, celebrate your accomplishments, and make the most of today. Visit or learn more about us.

Let us know what you think:Were here to listen; send us feedback or ask a question

1 comment:

Nathan Briggs, Complaint Free Humanoid said...

im curious why you promote eons so much - no other site do you give the same coverage. Hmm, provocative.