When not glued to a computer I have been known to venture to the local gym in an attempt to fight back the onslaught of physiological ageing. I am not succeeding.
One of the gym's many torture devices is a Concept2 rowing machine. To be accurate a long row of things.
The poor lady instructor, with the impossible task of trying to get me into some sort of shape, just happens to be in the UK’s top five fastest rowers and recommended I have a look at the company’s web site. I suspect she thought it might give me some inspiration. She was right.
Concept2 has understood two fundamental things. One, the health business is age neutral. Second, if you are going to use social networking, ensure you have an audience that shares (some passionately) a common interest.
The image shows the age bands of people who take part in the company’s competitions. None of this daft “55+ stuff”. See this post for my moan about idiot age bands.
Have a look at the forums on the site. They buzz, so does the chat room.
The site is stuffed with information that highly focused on its target audience.
I don’t know who is responsible for Concept2’s marketing but should be congratulated. Dick Stroud
There's a lot of old rowers - but it just not just cater to that audience. I love how they do world champs for all the ages, it's a good challenge when I see an 80yo can pull a faster 2k than me!
And faster than me!
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