Saturday, November 26, 2011

Why the Boomerang 'child' might have their 30th birthday at home has done some research in the US and concludes that: "“Today’s tough economic climate makes the ‘empty nest’ a dream deferred, at least for Boomers.” That is not going to come as a shock to most people.

86% of the their sample expect their adult children to remain at home for six months or more, up from 84% in 2010. Three quarters of respondents blame the economy. 

The thing that interested me was that nearly a third of 'children' living at home are 30-plus.

In the UK 'children' do not expect to purchase their first home until they are 38 years old, according to Moneysupermarket

I really don't think companies have got their head around the impact of multigenerational households and the affect on purchase decisions and consumption patterns. Dick Stroud

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