Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Ann Summers targets older women

Ann Summers is a - not really sure what you would call it - I guess  - a company that sells sex toys and stuff both through retail and by self employed women running home parties.

The thing that caught my eye was this headline in the magazine Marketing

Ann Summers is hoping to use its Sex Census, in partnership with relationship charity Relate, to gain more credibility with older women in the latest phase of its brand overhaul.

 Obviously, I was interested in the 'older women' bit but also that the company had done a deal with the marital problems charity Relate to the extent that it was publishing a Sex Census 2012 report. Makes for interesting reading.

I really should not be surprised since the divorce data in the UK shows that the 60-plus are 'calling a day' more so than any other age group and that the divorce is normally initiated by the women.

Smart thinking by Anne Summers. Dick Stroud

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