Saturday, November 22, 2014

Brand enthusiasm: More than loyalty

Old consumers are too brand loyal to bother about. Once they have made up their mind, that's that.
This is one of the excuses that was common a decade ago about why not to bother with older people. I didn't matter how many times you tried to unpick this idea and show that brand loyalty/momentum/preference is far too complex to be used in this way, it still kept coming back.

The IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) study has now come up with a new way of thinking about brand loyalty called brand enthusiasm.

I first read about it in Brandchannel and thought it worth downloading the report.

I think IBM is trying to be a tad too clever in the way it is segmenting consumers into four categories of brand enthusiasm, then looks at the age split and how they are spread between growth and (slow) geographies.

Like all of these studies there are elements of interest that make you think and add to your understanding about consumer type. I have my grave doubts if other than a thought piece it has much practical use. Dick Stroud

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