My friends at the International Longevity Centre have just published a report titled: The End of Formal Adult Social Care?
You can skip reading the report and go to the final line of the report that says - "the future of social care looks bleak". Indeed it does. Indeed it does.
No disrespect to the ILC but this is not exactly something that we didn't already know.
I suspect that the authors know that the situation is a lot worse than their direst predictions but before Xmas they didn't want to be too bleak in their outlook.
The care industry in the UK is going to continue to fragment into a private sector group with high fees that will serve somewhere between 10% and 20% of the older population. Those left to the state for care will rely on friends and relatives and little else.
If you are an age-silo marketer in the care industry you have a stark choice and sooner you decide the better. Rely on state funding and perish would be my prediction. Dick Stroud
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