Saturday, July 23, 2005

Difference in knowledge about the Internet

The latest report from Pew Internet looks at how knowledge about the Internet terminology changes with age. You will need to click on the images to read the detail.

It is a pitty they only have two age categories but I guess that is a result of their research budge. I was surprised how little difference there is between the 65+ and their children/grandchildren’s generation. Also, how low the overall level of knowledge is about things like RSS and Podcasting.

Whilst on the Pew Web site I downloaded their latest (May 2005) data on Internet usage by age. There is now only a 13% difference between Internet usage amongst the 50-64 and 30-49 year olds.

I can imagine in a decade’s time asking questions about age and Internet usage will seem as daft as asking the question about using water and age. Dick Stroud

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