Friday, July 22, 2005

Radio and Web use

This is an interesting bit of research from the Radio and Advertising Bureau.

It looks at the concurrence of people being online and listening to the radio. As shown, one of the bits of research looks at way age affects the likelihood for people to both at the same time.

I had a good read through the research but failed to find out if radio listening was confined to radio channels listened to using the Internet or also included traditional radio. To make matters more complicated there is now the option in the UK to Podcast radio (ie download a radio programme as mpg and listen to at a latter date). So I am not sure exactly what this research is showing but it does raise an interesting issue of how radio and the Web can be used in combination.

I loved the following extract from the report:

“Radio and online are both perceived as providing connection with people’s social communities but on different levels. Online operates more within people’s immediate social network, allowing them to stay in touch with friends and highly defined communities of interest (My World). Radio connects people with their wider network e.g. their local community or broader community of interest (My Wider World)”.

What a complicated way of saying the obvious in 60 words. Dick Stroud

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