Wednesday, April 11, 2007

XXX launches a Baby Boomer-Targeted Web Site

When Jeff Taylor launched he ignited a Lemming-like response from would be Web entrepreneurs across the US intent on creating look alikes.

How can you go wrong – 76,000,000 Boomers – loads of them online – lots of $s to spend – we all know that Web 2.0 is the way forward – Hey Presto – deluge of Boomer portal sites.

Here is the story of another one -

My bet is that all but a couple will have closed within the next 12 months. Dick Stroud

1 comment:

Nathan Briggs, Complaint Free Humanoid said...

i wouldn't exactly say that all those who started 50+ online companies were following Taylor. eGenerations was launched just a short while after eons. i'd never even heard of them :)