Thursday, August 02, 2012

Because population aging is the greatest social, economic and political transformation of our time

If you don't - you should - read Louis Tenenbaum's blog

Louis is an original thinker about 'ageing in place' and associated areas. I had the pleasure of meeting him last time I was in the US. 

In this blog posting he muses on the way to achieve true/real innovation.  He refers to another great article entitled - What Higgs Boson Can Teach Us About Aging Populations

I just love this quote and will undoubted use it again and again.

"Because population aging is the greatest social, economic and political transformation of our time, it demands an an intellectually violent revolution to re-align antiquated institutions with twenty-first century demographic realities". 

That about sums it up.

I dispare hearing people prattling on, normally in a sanctimonious way, about old failed ideas that they believe can be given a new coat of paint and made to work. Mostly this involves throwing another shed load of money at a concept that is either fatally flawed or trying to solve today's problems with yesterday (more likely 1970s) ideas. 

Unfortunately, much of the public health and care services in the UK falls into this category. 

Good blog Louis - great article Michael Hodin (Huffington Post). Dick Stroud 

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