Over the past few of weeks I have received e-mails from a couple of new 50-plus web sites telling me of their existence.
I liked the intro I received from TheGimpyGirls.com: “a Web site of solutions for aging baby boomers, the disabled and the just plain lazy of both genders”. Definitely got my attention. The intro e-mail went on.
We, Cait & Marty, offer solid advice and a keen sense of the absurd to people with physical limitations, regardless of personal architecture.
Presently, 51 million people - that’s 18 percent of all Americans - have a disability. And the nation’s 78 million Baby Boomers are just entering their 60s - making for more Gimpy people than ever before.
If you, or a loved one, need to choose the right cane, live safer at home, garden smarter or find the best cell phone for failing eyes and ears, then The Gimpy Girls have it covered.
The Gimpy Girls - Cheerleaders for the far from physically perfect.
I have no idea how well the site will do commercially but if the approach to business is like the e-mail then it should do OK.
In the words of the Web site.
Passionate for Life is all about inspiring everyone to live the lives of their dreams.This is not a social networking web site but a very large collection of articles and blogs about everything from ‘Spirit’ to ‘Humor’ with a section dedicated to Baby Boomers.
Our Writers and Coaches are very passionate about what they do.
We hope you will find inspiration here and share your passions with us.
Most of all… Live Passionately!
Clearly somebody has put a hell of a lot of effort in creating the base of content.
I wonder if the theme of “passionate for life” is strong enough to wrap around so much content but only time will tell. I wish both sites luck. Dick Stroud
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